On 26.07.18 13:19, Tech wrote:
Hi Steve,

I ain't Steve...

i did the list check like you proposed i got an error telling me it cannot open the file as archive:

Error: doc04398120180626164812.rar: Can not open file as archive

I also checked the archive with file which returned following:

file doc04398120180626164812.rar
doc04398120180626164812.rar: RAR archive data, v37, flags: Archive volume, Commented, Solid, Authenticated,

Any hints on how to check if the unrar library is installed correctly?

depends on yout OS/distro.
on debian gnu/linux you need libclamunrar* package installed, currently
libclamunrar7. It comes in non-free section.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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I don't have lysdexia. The Dog wouldn't allow that.
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