It helps the signature team locate those submitted files faster if you post 
their hash values here.


On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 01:53 AM, Albrecht, Peter wrote:
> Hello,
> Since Saturday (2018-07-28) we are seeing many reports from clamscan having
> found (possibly) infected files. I suspect these are false positives because 
> checking
> the files on <> returns only clamav 
> reporting them as infected.
> The reported files are mostly jar files used by our applications (e.g. 
> httpclient-*.jar,
> httpcore-*.jar in different versions). These are the signatures which produce 
> most
> of the reports:
> Html.Malware.Agent-6625161-0
> Html.Malware.Agent-6625163-0
> Html.Malware.Agent-6625207-0
> Html.Malware.Agent-6625208-0
> Html.Malware.Agent-6625209-0
> Html.Malware.Agent-6625345-0
> Currently, we have whitelisted the above signatures. I suspect that it is an 
> error
> in the database because that's the only thing that has changed since Friday. 
> We
> are using clamav 0.99.4 and 0.100.0 on Linux with a daily update of the virus
> signatures.
> I have uploaded the file which generated the most reports yesterday to 
> <>
> and requested doublechecking if that would be a false positive.
> Does anybody else see such a behaviour? Any ideas of what might be the reason?
> Any suggestions what to do? Whitelisting all reported signatures would not be 
> our
> preferred solution ...
> Thanks a lot,
> Peter Albrecht
> Senior Linux Administrator 
> Wirecard Service Technologies GmbH
> Einsteinring 35 | 85609 Aschheim | Germany
> Tel: +49 (0) 89 4424-191076
> <>
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