
I am trying to generate clamav signatures for a malware dataset that I

Initially I have recognized some strings which are prominent in a class of
malware, hence, those are considered and a ldb signature is generated using
the below method.

The name of the signature, Engine version, Target as 0. We further have 'x'
number of sub-signatures here x is 100 each with logical or. All the
strings are converted to hex representation. Below is the example which is


Now, the problem is in case there are <=65 sub-signatures then everything
works fine however, if they increase beyond that, it results in the
following error.

LibClamAV Error: cli_loadldb: The number of subsignatures (== 65) doesn't
match the IDs in the logical expression (== 100)
LibClamAV Error: Problem parsing database at line 1
LibClamAV Error: Can't load ramnit.ldb: Malformed database
ERROR: Malformed database

Is it that the ldb signatures are limited to only 65 conditions? If not
what causes this issue and how to solve it?


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