clamconf will show you what you want (with a lot more detail if required):

[graeme@whelk ~]$ clamconf -n | egrep 'version.+sigs'
bytecode.cld: version 328, sigs: 94, built on Wed Jan  2 14:42:37 2019
daily.cld: version 25469, sigs: 1587497, built on Mon Jun  3 08:59:22 2019
main.cvd: version 58, sigs: 4566249, built on Wed Jun  7 22:38:10 2017


On 04/06/2019, 16:31, "clamav-users on behalf of Rodney Stratford via 
clamav-users" < on behalf of> wrote:
> I have installed ClamAV in my PCF environment.  But security team is looking 
> at
> how to display the virus signature level is of the AV.  Is there a command or 
> a tool
> that can display this?  Any help is appreciated.  Thanks


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