The daily has updated so it appears that all is well.  Thanks for the 
reassurance Al.  

Thanks Micah for attention to the version logging issue.


On 6 Aug 2019 at 9:41, Al Varnell wrote:

> For the last 20 days, updates have been released every 24 hours, plus
> or minus 7 minutes. I suppose the .cvd could be a few hours old by the
> time it gets posted, so doesn't seem like there's any reason to be
> concerned.
> -Al-
>     On Aug 6, 2019, at 07:42, Brian Fluet via clamav-users 
>     <> wrote:
>     I upgraded to v0.101.3 yesterday afternoon. This morning I notice
>     the daily.cld is over 28 hrs old. The freshclam log reports that
>     it's up to date but it's age has me curious about that age at
>     which to become concerned.


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