On 05/03/2020 12:26, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> On 05.03.20 15:38, Ashish Poddar via clamav-users wrote:
>> We have a situation where we run a clamav daemon to scan files on a
>> system.
> how?
>> However, in the process, we only use about 10% CPU in the system. We
>> would
>> naturally like to increase this number. We were thus trying to come up
>> with
>> a way to scan multiple files in parallel on the same system. Is there
>> a way
>> we can spawn multiple clam daemons to do this?
> afaik single clamav daemon is able to scan multiple files in parallel.
>> I am aware of the multiscan mode in clamdscan but I want each scan to
>> be a
>> separate process so as to not increase the overall scan time of any one
>> file.
> I don't understand. Why do you think that scanning in multiple threads
> increases scan time?

I don't see hosw muti-thread or multi-process would be different.
But I do not recommend scanning in parallel, the disk I/O is IMHO the
bottleneck, why you use only 10% of CPU, and running multiple scans in
parallel will make things even worse.

Best Regards
        Vladislav Kurz


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