On 21/03/2020 05:00, Stefan Bauer via clamav-users wrote:
Just out of curiosity, is Solaris still a thing or are you just playing around? No offend, I'm seroiusly interested to get some insight on solaris use cases.

I use Solaris - 11.3 on x64 at the moment - for my internet facing stuff, as it's a little less script-kiddie attractive.

Plus I am an ancient BOFH who started out on BSD 4.0 (on a VAX called munnari :-) ) and all those old 16- and 32-bit systems, PDP-5/8/11, VAXen of various ilk, m68K-based system, 16-bit HP MPE systems, la la la la la la :->

                Gary    B-)


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