> > I'm attempting to use the clamsbsync and clamsbywrite Google
> > safebrowsing utils and having some issues.
> > ...
> I haven't seen much discussion on this list about safebrowsing, but
> you have changed that recently (and almost single-handedly: of the
> four threads which mention safebrowsing in the subject line in the
> past year, you started three of them).  There might be things in the
> archives that I've missed, please feel free to search e.g.
> https://marc.info/?l=clamav-users&r=1&w=2

It was this list where I first saw it announced, and I agree other
discussions of it have been practically non-existent.


> Your problem report looks well put together, but I wonder if there
> might be a better place to post it.  Is there no means of support set
> up by the coders who produced those utilities?

There doesn't appear to be any other forum for this other than this
list. Perhaps I should post in the github repo directly. I'm now
seeing this has already been reported there, in fact, but no responses
from the developers there either.

> As I think I told you recently, I abandoned the safebrowsing database
> when it ceased to be part of the official ClamAV database set, largely
> because up to that time its performance in the circumstances facing me
> had been less than stellar and I couldn't justify the effort in trying
> to continue to use it.
> Do you have any performance stats that you could share with us?

I don't have any metrics yet because I've really only recently started
using it. I'm going on the expectation that the
developers/Cisco/ClamAV put the time into developing this and Google
put the resources into keeping it updated because it was worthwhile,
although despite there being 4+ million new signatures, I've also seen
very little results thus far.

There also hasn't been any development on it since it was first
released in June.

There's also no info on how often it's updated or what kind of
efficacy one should expect.

Thanks for your help, as always.


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