
I have a webserver with 4GB of memory that also functions as a mailserver.
The mail volume is rather low (perhaps a few hundred mails/day).
Almost every day around the same time I get a swap usage warning and once
in a while clamd crashes because it has no more swap space available
blocking mails from being processed.

Right now it uses about 1.3GB and all is fine. I'm using FreeBSD. I'm
trying to see the logic why every day around the same time clamd decides to
need so much more memory. It's not like it needs it to process the emails.

I've searched and read that clamd uses a lot of memory (30% is indeed quite
a lot). But nowhere I see these kinds of numbers (multiple gigabytes).
Having it use 60% memory (at least 2.3GB when it crashes) is getting
ridiculous. Since all mails are being processed just fine when clamd uses
1.3GB I don't want to just increase the memory as it might start using 60GB
at some point for no clear reason.

I didn't modify cronjobs recently so I'm unclear on why this seems to be a
periodic thing. I had it like weeks in a row at around 15:45. Then it
seemed to have switched to 17:45 and had it now once at 19:45. There seems
to be this 2 hour change in it or it's something that happens every 2 hours
and circumstances get "just right" later and later.

Anyone experienced the same? Knows what's going on? Has a solution to this
(not looking for "don't run clamAV as a daemon")?

Thanks in advance!

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