Perhaps you should look into MailScanner and MailWatch. Mailscanner (package
for Suse available) will handle the interaction with spamassassin and clamd
(as well as other A/V solutions) and MailWatch provides a nice GUI for
quarantine and archive. Once set they just work.


Joe Acquisto-j4 wrote:
>> On 2/24/21 6:26 AM, Joe Acquisto-j4 wrote:
>>> For now I will settle on a cron job script that peeks at the hold
>>> queue every so often and alerts someone (me) with an alert.
>> *nod*nod*
>> I have a daily cron job that runs a script which shows me:
>>    - Number of messages which are:
>>       - Normally queued messages for the MTA
>>       - Held (Postfix parlance) / Quarantined (Sendmail parlance)
>> messages for the MTA
>>       - Normally queued messages for the MSA
>>    - Output of mailq for:
>>       - Held / Quarantined messages
>>       - Normally queued messages for the MSA
>> I don't show the output for the normally queued messages for the MTA
>> because that's a constant state of flux and working like it should.
>> I mainly care to see held / quarantined messages and if something's
>> wrong with the MSA queue.
>>> I would have thought there was some mechanism already built in to
>>> the milter, or postfix, to do that, optionally) but I've not
>>> stumbled on one thus far.
>> There is.  The command is called "mailq".  It's designed to print
>> status 
>> to STDOUT and be consumed by a human.  Many people have this output
>> emailed to them or apply some sort of script logic to it.
> Thanks.  Workable.
>> Note:  This MTA administration is decidedly NOT the milter's job. 
>> The milter's job is to filter discrete messages and return a -1 / 0
>> / 1 
>> status to the MTA.  The MTA is what's responsible for managing
>> /it's/ queue. 
> Ah.  Well I did not mean to suggest the milter should "manage" the
> postfix queue 
> at all, but could alter any "directive" as to disposition.   The log
> messages I noticed, for "infected" mail (/var/log/mail) seem to
> suggest postifix was dealing with these in a way "directed" by the
> milter. 
> Perhaps these are "distinctions without a difference" brought about
> my own, limited familiarity with the tech and terms.
>> --
>> Grant. . . .
>> unix || die
> Thanks agian
> joe a.
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