Would the community be willing to pay for updates?

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On Mar 12, 2021, at 17:41, Rémy DODIN via clamav-users 
<clamav-users@lists.clamav.net> wrote:


I just found that my "antivirus essentiel" installed package provided by 
Synology is unable to update virus definition file since 03/06/2021 !
This package is build on ClamAV

There are lot of products no more working yet !
Qnap, Synology etc....
Under ArcaOS etc....

Before blocking updates, I think that user had to be informed about changes a 
few month before
This is a top severity unsecure issue.
(putting so many people out of new viruses protection ! - All do not have 
skills to correct Like, I do not have needed skills)

It would be nice providing a quick solution for those with any skills.
I'm fully out of protection yet (unable to implement cvdupdate ! no skills for 

Best regards

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De: "Joel Esler (jesler) via clamav-users" <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>
À: "ClamAV users ML" <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>
Cc: "Joel Esler (jesler)" <jes...@cisco.com>
Envoyé: Vendredi 12 Mars 2021 00:17:21
Objet: Re: [clamav-users] Restriction of downloads

You’ll have to work with qnap. We can’t update qnap.

Sent from my  iPhone

On Mar 11, 2021, at 13:39, Harv Azad via clamav-users 
<clamav-users@lists.clamav.net> wrote:

I’m a simple QNAP 509 (x2) user and having read the emails I’m a bit confused 
on how to resolve the issue of definitions not updating automatically.

Having worked out yesterday that I could update manually I downloaded the 
latest cvd file and updated both my servers but then when I look today, I cant 
see the file download links anymore.
I can see that there is some mention of Freshclam.  Happy to use this but could 
someone please clarify if this is something that sits on my qnap or on my pc?  
Can I then use this to manually download the definition files to update my 
qnaps manually.

Sorry if these are basic questions.

Kind Regards
Harv Azad

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