
clamd.conf contains default setting

# Optional path to the global temporary directory.
# Default: system specific (usually /tmp or /var/tmp).
#TemporaryDirectory /var/tmp

It cause error message when clamonacc starting:

clamonacc[103181]: ERROR: ClamInotif: Not watching path '/tmp'
clamonacc[103181]: ERROR: ClamInotif: ClamOnAcc should not watch the directory 
clamd is using for temp files
clamonacc[103181]: ERROR: ClamInotif: Consider setting TemporaryDirectory in 
clamd.conf to a different directory.

I attempt to use "OnAccessExcludePath /tmp" but it unsusseful. 

> Consider setting TemporaryDirectory in clamd.conf to a different directory.

I thought about it. /tmp is system default and it tmpfs usually now (in Linux
based OS). And that's good. I can certainly make a separate tmpfs for clamd, 
but so far this does not seem to me a good idea. But I'm wrong maybe.

Does clamonacc have to watch in /tmp ?



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