On Mon, 21 Jun 2021, Roger Rutishauser wrote:

I'm using ClamAV 0.101.1/26207 with default clamd.config settings (except
for enhanced logging)

Please update to the latest version 0.103.2
See many recent messages in this list -
you could be blocked for using an older version.

I have a PDF (size: 2 GB, PUID fmt/478, PDF/A) which can not be scanned,
and I don't know why. Maybe you could help me somehow? All the other PDFs
do not throw an error.

You say the file is 2 GB.
There is a file size limit of 2GB - 2^31 bytes.
*Maybe* you are hitting that.

This is a hard limit until the developers can make the code 63?64bit clean.

Mon Jun 21 16:50:30 2021 -> $Received POLLIN|POLLHUP on fd 1236
Mon Jun 21 16:50:30 2021 -> $Got new connection, FD 1352
Mon Jun 21 16:50:30 2021 -> $fds_poll_recv: timeout after 30 seconds
Mon Jun 21 16:50:30 2021 -> $Received POLLIN|POLLHUP on fd 1352
Mon Jun 21 16:50:30 2021 -> $got command CONTSCAN c:\path\file.pdf (77, 7),
argument: c:\path\file.pdf
Mon Jun 21 16:50:30 2021 -> $mode -> MODE_WAITREPLY
Mon Jun 21 16:50:30 2021 -> $Breaking command loop, mode is no longer
Mon Jun 21 16:50:30 2021 -> $Consumed entire command
Mon Jun 21 16:50:30 2021 -> $Number of file descriptors polled: 0 fds
Mon Jun 21 16:50:30 2021 -> $fds_poll_recv: timeout after 600 seconds
Mon Jun 21 16:50:30 2021 -> $THRMGR: queue (single) crossed low threshold
-> signaling
Mon Jun 21 16:50:30 2021 -> $THRMGR: queue (bulk) crossed low threshold ->
Mon Jun 21 16:50:30 2021 -> ~c:\path\file.pdf: Can't get file status ERROR
Mon Jun 21 16:50:30 2021 -> $Finished scanthread
Mon Jun 21 16:50:30 2021 -> $Scanthread: connection shut down (FD 1352)
Mon Jun 21 16:50:30 2021 -> $THRMGR: queue (single) crossed low threshold
-> signaling
Mon Jun 21 16:50:30 2021 -> $THRMGR: queue (bulk) crossed low threshold ->

What does that mean?

Best regards, Roger

Andrew C. Aitchison                                     Kendal, UK


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