> I'd like to point to the following thread :
> Thread: ubuntu 18.04 LTS cannot verify SSL certificate
> https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2464923 
> where the same error shows up, because a package by the name
> Cisco PacketTracer 7.3.1 was installed .
> Robert

Packets?  Interesting idea.  No, nothing like that here with a LFS based system 
and a KISS paradigm, but I DO have a very tight firewall.  I don't allow 
packets out just anywhere they please--not allowing ET to phone home--as a 
security measure.  I wasn't looking for it to get caught that way.  Sheesh, 
probably should've.  If it uses a special port, there'll be a message.  I'll 
try again later today and look for the firewall hit.  Thanks for the idea, that 
seems promising!

Sheesh!  You've no idea how much work I did "putting my ducks in a row".  It 
led me down a rabbit-hole, just making sure.

Paul Rogers
Rogers' Second Law: "Everything you do communicates."
(I do not personally endorse any additions after this line. TANSTAAFL :-)


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