On 8/20/2021 9:46 AM, Arjen de Korte via clamav-users wrote:
Citeren "Joel Esler (jesler) via clamav-users" <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>:


ClamAV 0.104.0 Second Release Candidate is here!

Today we are publishing a second release candidate for 0.104.0. Please help us verify that 0.104.0-rc2 works on your systems and that we have resolved the concerns you reported with the first release candidate. We need your feedback, so let us know what you find and join us on the ClamAV mailing

I built from source on CentOS 7 using the "-D ENABLE_MILTER=OFF" flag.  The initial cmake run complained about wanting a static json-c library, and the build gave a ton of warnings, but ctest passed all of the tests.

I'm not going to put it into production, but I did want to report on the results of the build.



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