i tried building for Debian 10 on x64 but clearly have failed t understand something

I used to configure with

./configure --with-user=Debian-exim --with-group=Debian-exim \ --bindir=/usr/sbin --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc/clamav/

so I tried cmake with

cmake -D CLAMAV_USER=Debian-exim -D CLAMAV_GROUP=Debian-exim \

and that seemed to work so I did a make which completed OK. Trying "make test" on the other and gave failure for the first 6 tests and passed the other 4.

Not sure what to do next. I could carry on with 0.103.42 and hope eventually some kind person creates a Debian package, or could stop using clamav. Or someone could point out how stupid I am being and tell me what I did wrong.

==John ffitch


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