On 09.09.21 18:10, Scattone, Russell via clamav-users wrote:
I keep getting this message and really need the CVD's to install on an
isolated system and have been doing it this way because there is no copy
of CVD's on the other systems that are updating.

2021-09-09 11:52:49 cvdupdate-0.2.0 WARNING Failed to download daily-26271.cdiff
2021-09-09 11:52:49 cvdupdate-0.2.0 WARNING Download request rejected because 
we've downloaded the same file too frequently.
2021-09-09 11:52:49 cvdupdate-0.2.0 WARNING We won't try daily.cvd again for 
12:00:00 hours.

I know for our company there are several systems downloading the files
daily.  Do I need to set up one system to for all of our systems to get
the updates from?

yes, this is the (main) reason cvdupdate was created.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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