Hi there,

It's been a few hours so I'll drop you a line to let you know that at
least someone has read your mail. :)

On Tue, 14 Dec 2021, Tim Out wrote:

Currently I'm confronted with some difficulties in configuring
freshclam, in the freshclam.conf file.

Did you restart freshclam after making changes to its configuration?
You need to do that after practically any configuration change.

More specific I want to trigger a command to the events
'OnUpdateExecute' and 'OnErrorExecute'. My purpose is to execute a
Powershell command which calls a local API in order to keep track of
update statuses.

... I have tried ...

        OnErrorExecute = powershell.exe "D:\Updatelog.ps1"
        OnErrorExecute powershell.exe "D:\Updatelog.ps1"
        OnErrorExecute "D:\Updatelog.ps1"
        OnErrorExecute D:\Updatelog.ps1

The first one is definitely wrong because there must be no '=' sign on
the line between the option name and the command.  I suspect that the
next two may give problems because of the double-quote characters, but
I've never run freshclam on a Windows box so I can't be sure.

You might try doubling the '\' backslash on the last one; in the Unix
world the backslash removes the special meaning of the following
special character (it does nothing to the meaning of a subsequent non-
special character), and the directory path separator is '/' (forward
slash).  So you might try using forward slash instead of backslash,
but again I can't be sure about anything on Windows.  It matters much
more when what you're configuring contains a regular expression, but
that isn't the case here.

Is there somebody who has done this before on Windows, or knows how
to configure this setting properly? Or could it be that my
apprehension of this event is incorrect, and it occurs in other
situations? I have seen examples from other people, but they were
using Linux, which might be slightly different in this
(configuration) respect.

Sorry, I've never done any of this on Windows boxes, but apart from
obvious differences in things like having no drive letters in Linux,
the configuration and behaviour should be much the same because most
of the code is the same.

DatabaseMirror = "database.clamav.net"

This is correct.  To be clear to people who are reading, the 'clamconf'
utility added the '=' sign and the double quotes to this line.  To my
way of thinking it's confusing that it does that, but it does help in
this particular case.  The actual line in the configuration would be

DatabaseMirror database.clamav.net

with no '=' sign and no quotes, as given in the 'man' page.  I don't
know what passes for a 'man' page on a Windows host unfortunately.

OnUpdateExecute = "= powershell.exe "D:\Updatelog.ps1""
OnErrorExecute = "= powershell.exe "D:\Updatelog.ps1""
OnOutdatedExecute = "= powershell.exe "D:\Updatelog.ps1""

These will all fail because of the superfluous '=' sign, and perhaps
also because of the superfluous quotes.

If you still don't have any luck you might try checking the section
headed 'RETURN CODES' in the freshclam documentation.  You can get
whatever calls freshclam to examine freshclam's return code, perhaps
getting done what you want to get done that way instead.  Again, I
have no experience of it on Windows boxes.




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