On 12/21/2021 11:58 AM, Vu, Hong-Duc V. via clamav-users wrote:

How often does the main.cvd file get updated? According to this old post they have seven changes in two years.

https://lists.clamav.net/pipermail/clamav-users/2014-September/000916.html <https://lists.clamav.net/pipermail/clamav-users/2014-September/000916.html>

That's very old information. There is no schedule I'm aware of, and recent updates have been many many months apart.

This will help me troubleshoot any issues with my freshclam configuration if the file isn’t getting updated in a reasonable time frame.

I wouldn't bother monitoring the main.cvd since the time frame is months and there is no schedule. I think daily is updated once a day currently (usually). If daily is more than a few days old you should investigate.

It might be more productive to monitor the freshclam log for errors.

  -- Noel Jones


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