I'm still experimenting with Clam and I've got 103.4 installed on an OEL 7.9 
box. I've got freshclam configured to download new updates every few hours. I 
can manually run freshclam and successfully receive updates and I can manually 
run clamscan successfully.

If I run a ps command, I see /usr/share/clamav/freshclam-sleep is running so 
I'm assuming that this calls freshclam on the schedule. But what is launching 
this on startup?

There are no cronjobs configured. When I look at my systemd services, I see one 
named clamav-freshclam but it is disabled and not running. I expanded my search 
and found a total of 4 services with 'clam' in the title (clamav-freshclam, 
clamav-clamonacc, clamd@, and clamonacc) but none of them are running and they 
are all currently disabled.

Is it some other service that doesn't have 'clam' in the name?

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