On 13.02.22 11:14, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
On Wed, 9 Feb 2022, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
I have clamav 0.103.5 installed on debian 11 and I'm getting too often
errors when reloading database.

looking back this problem started appearing on:

Mon May 10 11:51:15 2021 -> Database correctly reloaded (12721518 signatures)
Mon May 10 12:48:11 2021 -> ERROR: reload_th: Database load failed: Malformed 

this machine has 4G of RAM and some swap, clamd currently eats ~1.5 GB ...

I wonder if this problem may be caused by i386 architecture with 3GB limit ...
Does clamd reload signature database in the same process?

I have rebooted into 64-bit kernel, without changing any installed software.
looks like database updates work flawlessly since:

So the 3GB barrier applies to clamav (no wonder) when reloading signatures.
- unlike other SW, no new clamd instance after reload.

I just encountered the DB reload, watched it closely:

Sun Feb 13 12:46:13 2022 -> Reading databases from /var/lib/clamav
Sun Feb 13 12:46:50 2022 -> Database correctly reloaded (12732534 signatures)
Sun Feb 13 12:46:50 2022 -> Activating the newly loaded database...

meanwhile clamd usage doubled and crossed 3.350G
after 2-3 minutes it dropped back to 1.7G.

I'd invite clamd logging message about database successfully activated.

I'm enabling zswap again, hopefully this time it won't kill system performance.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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