Laurent S. via clamav-users wrote:
Dear Kris,

I've had the same issue. In the last two years, I was regularly writing YARA 
sigs in ClamAV and finding that it behaves in strange ways... Especially the 
regex integration.

I specifically remember that counting regex wasn't possible and that I had to 
write those sigs either in strings or HEX.

After too many timeouts and strange stuff, I decided to rewrite all of the sigs 
I had written to LDB. It's not easy to read, less fun to write... but damn it's 
much more reliable and fast.

Here's what your sig could look like:


I took the liberty to define Target:3 (HTML). You might need to change that. 
Adding more criteria might be good too.

*nod* I kept at it and the full Yara sig I eventually pushed live has 10 strings, requiring layered sets of multi-hit matches. (Finding a valid syntax just for those conditions alone was a bit tedious; it's not clear from the upstream Yara docs or Clam's brief commentary whether you can nest conditions as pseudo-strings[1], but bumping the total match count required and just and'ing the sub-count conditions was Good Enough.)


[1] Available indications say "you can't", although supposedly you can reference other Yara signatures - tried, couldn't get that working either


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