Hi there,

Sorry, I should have spent more time looking into this.

On Fri, 4 Mar 2022, Tuomo Soini via clamav-users wrote:

That is incorrectly detecting it. They must not detect signature in the
middle. That's clearly in specification. Long time ago there was big
discussion about eicar detection and at that time ClamAV got fixed not
to incorrectly detect eicar signature in the middle of other data.

The above is correct.

Among the third-party databases used here there's one called 'RFXN'.

This is part of 'Linux Malware Detect'


and was installed here by 'clamav-unofficial-sigs'


$ ls -l /EXPORTS/clamav/databases/rfxn*
-rw-r--r-- 1 clamav clamav 410441 Aug 17  2020 rfxn.yara
-rw-r--r-- 1 clamav clamav 451958 Mar 31  2021 rfxn.ndb
-rw-r--r-- 1 clamav clamav 866954 Feb 25 06:17 rfxn.hdb

The signature which is detecting the modified EICAR string is in the
file 'rfxn.ndb':


This is a simple match of the 68-byte EICAR string.  It fails to take
account of the EICAR specification change made in 2003 which requires
no detection by anti-virus products if anything other than a limited
number of what it calls 'whitespace' characters is appended to it.

In the RFXN signature there's no protection against detecting the
string within a string which contains non-whitespace characters.

I haven't dropped the signature here (I think this is the only time
it's detected anything) but it's clearly wrong.  See for example
reference 7 at


I've cc'd Mr. MacDonald at the address given on Github to inform him
of the erroneous match.




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