Ok, thank you.

El sáb, 5 mar 2022 a las 8:48, G.W. Haywood via clamav-users (<
clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>) escribió:

> Hi there,
> On Fri, 4 Mar 2022, Jorge Elissalde via clamav-users wrote:
> > ...
> > Trying to be more forthcoming I can explain the code I'm making.
> >
> > - I get the full list of files under c:\windows\system32 folder, just
> > files, not folders (4913 files in my case).
> > - I send every file name to clamd using the SCAN command.
> >
> > The whole process takes almost 5 minutes, and I'm trying to drastically
> > reduce that time.
> Firstly, I'm not sure that you aren't just running around in circles.
> I've seen scans which took hours fail to find threats which were known
> to be present.  Please keep that in mind.  You're scanning for threats
> using code which is running on the threatened machine.  If I wanted to
> attack that machine, the first thing I'd do when I gained access would
> be to nobble any virus scanner so that it claimed to find nothing even
> when it found something.  If some malicious actor was able to modify
> files in the ...\system32 directory then that same actor probably also
> had the ability to nobble the scanner.  Please keep that in mind too.
> The reason it takes five minutes to scan your files is basically that
> you are scanning something like five thousand files (note: you haven't
> mentioned the average size of those files) for something in the region
> of ten million threats, likely using modest, general purpose hardware.
> If I may take liberties with units, the number of file.threats is of
> the order of fifty billion.  The average time per file.threat scan is
> 300/50000000000 or approximately six nanoseconds.  That's quite a bit
> less than the access time for your RAM (never mind the mass storage!)
> and while this is like measuring a piece of string with a theodolite,
> typical 21st century CPUs won't be able to execute more than a very
> few instructions in that time even if they take a running jump at it.
> I shouldn't be surprised if millions of instructions would need to be
> executed to scan a single file for a single threat.  So I think that,
> under the circumstances, ClamAV doesn't do too bad a job.
> What are the specifications for your harware?
> Why are you scanning the things you're scanning?
> Why are you using the scanned device to scan itself?
> Why are you not scanning the things you aren't scanning?
> How long would you expect your scan to take on your hardware?
> What is your target scan time?
> Why?
> What do you expect the results to tell you?
> What do you plan to do when you have them?
> How long will *that* take?
> How long does your coffee machine take to make a brew?
> Can you compare/contrast the various times in your answers?
> Please be much more forthcoming.
> > Possible solutions are:
> >
> > - Non recursive MULTISCAN ( seems that this is not available )
> > - Multithread SCAN command ( seems that is not available )
> >
> > Is there another solution here?
> According to the (old) ClamAV Bugzilla there was an issue with
> MULTISCAN which was fixed years ago:
> https://bugzilla.clamav.net/show_bug.cgi?id=1869
> I didn't find the issue mentioned here:
> https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/issues/
> but although that's where things are being done now, many old Bugzilla
> issues haven't been moved to Github.
> If you can produce a test case to confirm that Micah's 2018 comment on
> Bugzilla is wrong, you should file a report on Github.
> --
> 73,
> Ged.
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