You are full of Ged i wish someone else had answerd rather than you  just my 
luck ,
You are so up yourself that if you went any further you would diseapear  which 
probally would be a good thing 

> Hi there,
> On Sat, 10 Sep 2022, colin course via clamav-users wrote:
>> could you take a quick look at my freshclam config please ...
> The configuration for freshclam determines things like when and how
> the signature database for ClamAV on your computer will be updated.
> If you want us to guess how ClamAV is likely to behave when it looks
> for threats on your system, then it would probably be more useful to
> post the configuration for the clamd scanning daemon together with a
> bit of information about the system. The configuration is usually in
> the file called 'clamd.conf' but some Linux distributions mess around
> with the way things are configured so you might need to look for other
> files. Some of the most important things we need to know about the
> system are how much memory it has installed; what operating system it
> is running; what other things are running on the system (especially if
> they might use a lot of memory); what you've done wth it; and anything
> you can tell us which makes you think that it's been compromised. Try
> to be very precise. For reasons which completely elude me, sometimes
> in your posts you have deliberately tried to be obscure. Do please be
> aware that the time I have remaining to me in my life is far too short
> to bother with riddles. If you want *me* to guess at things you'll be
> disappointed. Rather than struggle with riddles I'll just ignore them.
>> i have a virus as i tried to exsplain to Ged been with me since 22nd
>> of November like an old aquaintence it is now.
> In January I told you that, because your computer had less than half a
> gigabyte of memory available, it would not be able to run ClamAV with
> the full set of 'official' signature files:
> I also suggested that the safest way to remove the virus from the
> computer (if one was there) is to wipe the entire system and install
> from scratch:
> What have you actually done?
>> One thing it will not let me do is set file permisions in directories
> I have already explained that before you mess with file permissions
> you need to know what you're doing:
>> i have tried to scan single files with clamtk but its just taking to much 
>> juice
>> i hear clamd is a gentler scanner ,which i do have installed on my system
> Unless I've missed something, ClamTK is just a graphical interface to
> the ClamAV scanner:
> If anything it is likely to be less gentle than ClamAV used by itself,
> at least if you're careful in the way that you use ClamAV commands.
> ClamTK will in any case probably use more memory than ClamAV by itself
> (because that's the way things usually are with graphical interfaces)
> and at least the last time we discussed this your system was much too
> short of memory to load the full 'official' ClamAV signature database.
> My crystal ball has been distinctly foggy since I fell off my bike so
> please, take it from the top and tell us what we need to know so that
> we can help you.
> If you really do have a virus on your computer it's best if you don't
> keep it connected to the Internet. It's irresponsible. If it really
> is a virus then it's much more likely to be a problem if it's able to
> contact (a) the malicious folks who put it on your computer, who will
> use it for crime and (b) more victims - by which I mean everyone else.
> Incidentally I see you're using Yandex mail. You might try using your
> favourite search engine to search for
> Yandex malware
> You might just have found something which has taken over your browser,
> but that's really a guess. If you have, then I'm afraid the ClamAV is
> not designed to help you get rid of it. My main advice is unchanged
> from what it was in January but you *might* get away with removing all
> traces of your browser and installing one from scratch.
> --
> 73,
> Ged.
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