Hi there,

On Mon, 28 Nov 2022, JOHN URBAN via clamav-users wrote:

We are experiencing a large number of MPI jobs failing indicating
the fabric is unavailable when the scans are running. Early in the
investigation so not sure if locking, timing, response time or other
factors are involved, but I wanted to ask a quick gernal question to
see if this is a known issue with easy answers. If not, we will post
more detailed information as it is determined.

More information would probably help.  Please could you clarify why in
your subject you write "when clamd is running", yet in the message you
write "when the scans are running"?  Even if it's running, clamd might
not be scanning anything but if it's loaded the official signatures it
will still probably be using a gigabyte or so of RAM, while it's doing
nothing but wait for a client connection.

MPI doesn't figure large in the ClamAV mailing list archives, and MPI
together with ClamAV was equally unrewarding.  The old ClamAV Bugzilla
seems to be broken (at least for searches) and the Cisco/Talos ClamAV
Github issues


gave me no results.  The closest I could get in my searching was [*]:


I found it by grepping my local mail archive directory, then perusing
my favourite mail archiver.  It's a very old post but even so it might
be helpful.

What are you actually doing with ClamAV?

[*] Sorry for those who don't care for the MARC archive, but it seems
that Pipermail goes back only as far as February 2014. :/



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