
another bugfix release. The cron jobs were broken (thanks Gabor for notifying)
and the webui package was unusable at all.
 clapf (0.4.3-6) unstable; urgency=low
   * clapf-ldap: Both schemas are installed into etc/ldap/schema. The ldifs
     into usr/share/clapf .
   * README.Debian: Modified the installation notes for ldap users.
   * docs: Added faq.html. Since README.Debian links to it.
   * clapf-webui.install: Fixed completely messed up filelist.
   * clapf-webui: setup is secured by htpasswd per default (not on linking).
   * README.Debian: Added section for clapf-webui
   * Fixed lost initscript calls in maintainer scripts.
   * Fixed cron job.

You can find the latest release at .

I've tested the clapf-sqlite3 package, and didn'd find any drawbacks so far.
It would be great if you can test the other database flavours and the webui
and report me success or failure.

Christoph Wilke

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