On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 10:23:00 +0200, pete <p...@teamlupus.hu> wrote:
> sorry, the original went to your personal address...

No problem.

> -------- Original Message --------
>> I think it would be better to ship the original qmail.schema file,
>> and create a clapf specific schema which adds like
>> objectClass: clapfUser
> i agree, this would make things more clear

I have mad this change, and created a new ldap schema file
(ldap/clapf-user.schema) which can be added to slapd.conf.
I will release a nigthly build soon which includes this new
schema, and the reverted qmail.schema file as well.
> Now it is working... Mystery (or i was a bit tired). Thanks for the
> support on this. 

Glad to hear this.
> Clapf does not have currently write access to the directory. I plan to
> the webui for the sole purpose for letting users traint their own part

Ok, however the webui creates an sqlite3 file in the users queue directory
for faster quarantine access.

> the token database. Apart from this, everybody will have the very same
> setting for mail filtering (no policy groups, no admins etc.). I do not
> plan to use the passwd change function (it is handled elsewhere, with
> logging, enforcing password policies and notifying admins and the
> owner about this event), and if it become possible in the future then i
> will disable these fields in the ui.

You can set define('PASSWORD_CHANGE_ENABLED', 0); in your config.php, and
the webui will hide this field on the 'Home' tab.


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