Dear clapf-users,

it's been a while ago since I wrote to the list the last time. Today I've just finished a rewrite of the web based gui. Now it features twitter's bootstrap
elements to provide a better look than the previous one.

To clarify: there's no need to upgrade the clapf daemon and the binary tools. They hasn't changed since the last stable version. Only the gui is changed
with this new rc version.

There are a few other changes to the clapf project. I moved the source code,
and the issue tracker to bitbucket.

You can always get the latest master branch (alias the nightly build) at

The master branch provides no new features, so you don't have to upgrade to it at all. However I encourage you to try the gui in the source/webui directory, since I believe it's an improved version. I'd like to get as much feedback as possible so I recommend you to try it on a separate virtualhost before presenting it to your

And you should try it with different browsers, too. It should work with all major

The new gui features a different configuration file. I used to provide a setup script that reads your current config.php adds the new stuff, then regenerates it. This is no more. The new release has a config.php script, and it's overwritten with every new release. To preserve you site specific settings create a config-site.php next to config.php with all your local values. Eg. my config-site.php is something like this:

**************** snippet begins ****************************

// yes, the gui can be branded with your text/logo

$config['BRANDING_URL'] = '';

$config['SITE_NAME'] = '*********';
$config['SITE_URL'] = 'http://*******';


$config['SMTP_DOMAIN'] = '';
$config['SMTP_FROMADDR'] = '';
$config['HAM_TRAIN_ADDRESS'] = '';
$config['SPAM_TRAIN_ADDRESS'] = '';

$config['DIR_BASE'] = '/opt/www/data/********';

$config['SPAM_ONLY_QUARANTINE'] = 1;

$config['TRAIN_DELIVERED_SPAM'] = 1;

**************** snippet ends ****************************

One more thing with the gui upgrade: delete the t_search table, since
its format is changed a bit. I think it won't bother your users much.

I know it's rude to force you to such a manual work, but I promise this is
the last time :-)

If you find anything (bugs, etc.) you may open a ticket at

Please don't use anymore I'm about to shut it down. It's a shame that I have left a single ticket there for years, but the good
news is that now it's solved with the new master branch.

So that's for the new gui. I have other plans, too, to improve clapf.

For starters, I'd get rid of the AD/ldap syncing stuff. It would be more elegant if the gui could authenticate users directly against AD (or ldap). A few problems arise however regarding user preferences and training, but I'll look for a solution.

I also think about converting all tokens to utf-8 encoding using iconv. For an English language email it doesn't make much difference, however for other languages (eg. Hungarian) it offers a better and more reliable tokenisation. The bad news is that this requires dropping then creating the token database from scratch. I think this feature will be optional by a configure option to make the transition to newer version smoother.

Another user asked for help with zimbra integration. If any of you is familiar with writing zimlets, changing/customizing the zimbra gui (and it works with zimbra 8, too :-)),
then please drop me a line. I could use a little help here.

If you have any questions, comments, etc. feel free to voice your views.

Best regards,

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