I look at that.

Roman Kennke wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> nice that you look into this. A few comments though:
> +    // We can safely assume that the component on which this border
> +    // will be installed is a AbstractButton (or subclass). So
> +    // a MetalBorders.ButtonBorder will work on it.
> +    return new CompoundBorder(
> +                              new MetalBorders.ButtonBorder(),
> +                              new EmptyBorder(3,3,3,3));
>    }
> It doesn't sound right to include some Metal thing in BasicToolbarUI. A
> quick test shows that the BasicL&F installs a CompoundBorder with a
> BasicBorders.RolloverButtonBorder and RolloverMarginBorder, OR - if
> present - the UIManager property in "ToolBar.rolloverBorder".
> My feeling is that the toolbar borders are not handled in the
> ButtonBorder, but in special border implementations. There is a
> ToolBar.rolloverBorder and a ToolBar.nonrolloverBorder property in the
> UIDefaults, maybe you can find out what these are (bsh?) and implement
> our Toolbar borders like this.
> Cheers, Roman

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