hello Morgon,

On Wednesday 19 July 2006 04:46, Morgon Kanter wrote:
> Hello,
> Attached is a patch to add and enable the use of the GOST cipher.

in GOST.java:

* in the encrypt(), decrypt() and makeKey() methods you should add a test to 
check if the passed block size matches the cipher's default one (Square does 
something similar to this).

* you should add a selfTest() method to check for one KAT.  again Square is a 
good example.

in Util:

* unless i'm mistaken, in the copyIntToBytes() method, in the course of GOST 
invocations of that method from the gostfunc() method (which btw. is the only 
place in the codebase that uses it), it's never the case that the destination 
array is shorter than 4 bytes.  if that's true, it's probably faster to have 
the gostfunc do the int->bytes->int mapping locally.

in general:

* formatting ;-)

> My 
> copyright assignment papers have finally gone in so this is okay to be
> committed. I've posted this to the list before, this is a slightly
> modified version so it can still be applied after all those patches
> Raif committed.

thanks for doing that.

> Also attached is a small program to test the cipher and make sure it's
> actually working (it is).

this should really be a Mauve test.


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