Roman Kennke wrote:
> Hi there again,
> What about this pending patch? I didn't quite understand the discussion
> around it. IMO the file handling is very platform dependend and while we
> could handle this generically, I find this path very inconvenient, as it
> clutters the code, where it could be easy, and it certainly isn't very
> good for efficiency. I agree that this is not necessarily VM dependent,
> but instead platform dependend? But I don't think that we should
> introduce some kind of platform-layer that complements the VM layer in
> some way. As Jeroen already pointed out, often times the VM is somewhat
> tied to the platform(s) it supports and thus can just as well provide a
> reasonable implementation of file handling.

Sorry, that was kind of a bikeshed issue. VM-vs-platform isn't *that*
big a deal, it just feels clumsy, and has been used as an "I don't
understand this" umbrella in the past.

> As for the VMBlahSocketImpl, I would very much like to have this mess
> cleaned up (I know, I introduced this in the first place). I came to
> think of that we don't really need this anyway, as the specs already
> have a way of abstracting this stuff out (by defining the SocketImpl
> abstract classes) and we simply added another unnecessary layer here.

This is true, and it's the same with java.nio (it's essentially a
service provider interface through the SelectorProvider class). There is
*some* value in isolating these platform-specific bits as much as
possible (and keeping them, and the amount of JNI code, to a minimum!),
and making porting Classpath a low-barrier-to-entry.

What, if any, performance tradeoffs there are is a good question, however.

> So may I commit this change to the VMFile class for now? Or should we go
> another way of splitting out platform dependend stuff?

Sorry for not looking at it. The patch looks reasonable to me. Real code
is always preferable to me bickering about vaporware :-)

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