On Saturday 20 October 2007 14:12, Ian Rogers wrote:
> Hi,
> the attached patch increases the use of "<Number>.valueOf " rather than
> "new <Number>".
> Thanks,
> Ian


2007-10-27  Ian Rogers  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * java/beans/PropertyChangeSupport.java,
        * java/beans/VetoableChangeSupport.java,
        * java/io/ObjectStreamClass.java,
        * java/lang/reflect/Array.java,
        * java/net/DatagramSocket.java,
        * java/net/ServerSocket.java,
        * java/net/Socket.java,
        * java/nio/charset/CoderResult.java,
        * java/security/Security.java,
        * java/security/spec/RSAKeyGenParameterSpec.java,
        * java/text/ChoiceFormat.java,
        * java/text/DecimalFormat.java,
        * java/text/MessageFormat.java:
        Make use of new valueOf methods.

Andrew :-)

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