On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 13:54 +0100, Robert Schuster wrote:
> Hi,
> > The second change involved removing a leading '/' from the returned
> > relative path to make it consistent with results from other Java VMs.
> > 
> > This patch corrects two issues found in URI.relativize() method in
> > libjava/classpath/java/net/URI.java. It applies from gcc 4.1.2 through 
> > latest
> > trunk:
> > 
> > * does stricter check for a path match while still using String.startsWith()
> > * excludes leading '/' if necessary for relative path fragment being 
> > returned
> Please check whether this does not cause the wrong behavior described
> here come up again: http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=24249

Hi Robert and Andrew,

Thanks for the quick replies. I took a look at that bug and added a URL
with the string "file:////foo/baz" to the testcase and the toString()
output was "file:////foo/baz" which I believe is correct since the fix
for 24249 is in the version of gcc that I was testing my patch with. So,
my conclusion is that the change to the URI.relativize method isn't
affecting the toExternalForm() method.

Luciano Chavez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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