On Oct 20, 2012, at 5:04 AM, Chris Burdess <d...@bluezoo.org> wrote:

> Mario Torre wrote:
>>> No.  Updating the ChangeLog is a requirement.
>> Maybe it's a requirement, but to be honest, is also a very redundant piece 
>> of information that is already in the commit log,
> The commit log is not part of the package. People may want to download the 
> package and see who the contributors were and when; the ChangeLog is a long 
> established convention for them to do this.

We did maintain the ChangeLog using commits originally and a script to
suck them out and generate a file, but at some point we went to
keeping a file instead, because it did not require a script.

I suggest those merging changes into trunk/master have the ultimate
responsibility regarding ensuring the ChangeLog is up to date and
since it cannot be auto merged perhaps do not make changes to it
except when merging to the release and trunk/master branches.

As an aside I always found it easier to maintain my own ChangeLog
entries in a separate file and only when committing upstream to add
them to the project's file.


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