Aaron suggested I send this email to the list.  Jikes seems to think
we need java.awt.Image or some such... but I ignored that.  Jikes can
probably compile Classpath in under 10 seconds... its just way too
fast.  Hope they eventually fix the license.

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To: Aaron M. Renn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: problems with compiling
From: Brian Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 28 Jan 1999 08:18:42 -0500


Using Jikes, I came up with the following problems...

Part of java.io relies on an unimplemented class in java.security, see
java.security.DigestOutputStream used by java.io.ObjectStreamClass.
See also java.security.MessageDigest.

Missing these classes in java.util... used by something...

Problems compiling java.util.AbstractList

Need some of the java.text.*Format*, but trouble compiling some of it.

Problems compiling java.util.Collections or UnmodifiableCollection
doesn't implement everything in the interfaces it implements from.

I've modified standard.omit locally such that I think it is the most
correct at the  moment, but I don't want to check it in just yet.
I'll include it below.  Btw, jikes is too damn fast.  Damn.



|-------------------------------|Software Engineer
|Brian Jones                    |[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    |http://www.nortel.net
|http://www.classpath.org/      |------------------------------

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