John Keiser wrote:

> >
> > Just ran across this today, it's been lifted from
> > <URL:>
> >
> > ...
> >
> >     But there's a better alternative: Forget Sun, and use free Java
> >     implementations such as Kaffe and Jaafar [sic].  GNU volunteers
> >     are developing a thorough and powerful replacement for AWT, called
> >     GNU Classpath.  (Free but less-powerful AWT replacements are
> >     already available.)  We're now looking for volunteers to begin
> >     developing a replacement for JFC.
> >
> > ...
> >
> So we're just a replacement for AWT then, eh? :)
> And how exactly are we going to have a more powerful AWT?  Faster, maybe?

What are you whining about?  he couldn't even spell my project's name right


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