I'm not sure if this is quite what your looking for, but I've found a
nice awt-type toolikit called dogui (http://www.dog.net.uk/knife/) whihc
provides a replacement & some extra widgets to the awt and has a nice
swing-metal L&F.  I think it is only dependent on the basic bits of the
awt (like frame, graphics classes etc) so it is "light-weight".

BTW, I'm not sure that providing a plug-in replacement is a particularly
good idea (though I wouldn't complain if someone did it) since it would
take huge resources and swing isn't particaulrly brillant anyway (nice
yes - great no). Having a "light" replacement such as the dogui tk would
probably be just as good an alternative, with people developing other
widgets as needed - thouhg a decent architecture would be needed, swing
has very flexible architecture and perhaps suffers a bit for it.


Brian Jones wrote:
> Bernd Kreimeier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Paul Fisher writes:
> >  > > Is there a free implementation of Swing avalible
> >  >
> >  > The GNU Classpath project <URL:http://www.classpath.org> has started
> >  > work on a free implementation of Swing; however, it will be some time
> >  > before it's completed.
> >
> > Is this using your AWT? I gather from Kaffe's source that
> > Swing is not cleanly implemented, so if you want to have
> > a drop-in for javax.swing, it might require the same
> > hidden dependencies on AWT.
> Sun's work usually relies upon knowing what particular package
> protected data members represent and how they are manipulated.  So far
> I've found documentation on those lacking.  The implementation should
> be API and serializable similar, but beyond that I couldn't guarantee
> 'drop-in' type qualities.
> > Who's working on the Classpath Swing?
> No one is just yet.  I'm exploring the waters a bit by attempting to
> write a GTK/Gnome PLAF.
> Brian

Remember Darwin; building a better mousetrap merely results in smarter

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