If we do explicit import statements for every class our class depends on
we could easily generate a makefile in the way that the "mkmf" utility
does for C(++).  I think explicit imports help readability anyway, as
long as classes are well-named and non-conflicting (general imports such
as java.io.* could still work, just be a little more expensive in terms
of the classes to check).  The utility would look for "import x.y.z",
check if the file x/y/z.java exists, and if so insert a make dependency
line for x/y/z.class accordingly.   Everything that needed it would have
to import gnu.java.Config (replace with wherever Config.java lives).

Do we want these utils to be java apps or does it matter?


Bernd Kreimeier wrote:

> John Keiser writes:
>  >      The problem with the public static final boolean variable
>  > is, you have to edit the source every time you want to change it.
> Different classpaths, different Config.java first?
> Yeah, well - last time I tried, javac seemed to screw up
> dependencies to different packages (i.e. directories) or
> so...  reminds me, any recommendations on how to do
> "make depend" for Java sources?

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