>From: "Jochen Hoenicke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>As I currently think of writing my own JVM I have thought a bit about
>bootstrap isssues. Before I can call a java method like
>String.intern(), I have to link and initialize that class and probably
>many others like java.util.Hashtable, some io classes (look in
>String.<clinit>), etc. When linking a class I have to resolve the
>constant pool. And while resolving the constant pool I have to create
>interned Strings. This is the chicken and egg problem.
>I would rather make String.intern() native for this reason.
OK, I can see your guys's reasoning there, it makes sense. How about if we
move it to the VM interface (so that it would be VMString.intern())?
Brian, what are your thoughts? I have a couple of hours free Saturday, so I
can take care of this.
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