>>> Stuart Ballard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11-Jul-01 4:54:09 PM >>>

   I couldn't find a description of this "C++ layer" or 
   any information about what exactly Paul was proposing.
   Paul, if you're still around, could you elaborate on exactly 
   what you had in mind here? From the brief description in 
   this paragraph, it sounds ideal: Hack CNI, get JNI out.

   Anyone else have any thoughts on this? A solution that let 
   us use CNI code wholesale would certainly be a great thing 
   for the merging process.

I've been thinking about this today.

Here's an example issue: if native code is combined then how do you
throw an exception? With CNI you just use throw, whereas with JNI you
have to obtain the class reference of the exception you're going to
throw from the java environment and then use a function ptr to
actually throw the exception.

I guess that you could choose one style and then auto translate into
the other but then you've written a whole new language that native
code hackers have to learn.

Tricky, isn't it?


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