
On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 05:53:32PM +0000, John Leuner wrote:
> > [...] People have to receive the papers,
> > fill them out, send them in the mail, wait for GNU to process them, get
> > confirmation back.  I think the first time I did it, my papers actually were
> > returned to sender because of the wrong address ... it was months before I
> > did it again, and frankly I can't remember whether I *did* do it again (I am
> > willing to if anyone has a problem).  It slows down the wheels, and hackers
> > who are contributing a patch for the first time are the *last* people we
> > want to slow down.
> You're very right. I have sent back my papers but have had no response yet.
> I don't mind doing the paperwork, but it does take so long. 
Does anybody know who handles the copyright assignment at the FSF?
I didn't have that much trouble. All the delays that happend were entirely
my own doing. But I have seen this discussion also come up on the gcc
list so it does seem that the process is not as efficient as it could be.
(Hopefully this is because so many people are now assigning copyright :)
Maybe we can contact the right FSF copyright person and get something
done so the process becomes easier for new Classpath Hackers.


Stuff to read:
  What's Wrong with Copy Protection, by John Gilmore

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