"C. Scott Ananian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 27 Sep 2002, Nic Ferrier wrote: 
> > > (*) to java.io.* classes that I'm working.  
> fwiw, i've got some implementations/fixes to java.awt.geom.* 
> that i'm working on (as part of the Gerber tools mentioned on 
>    http://www.cag.lcs.mit.edu/~cananian/Projects/FabClass/ 
> ).  I'm following existing coding style for the stubs that 
> were presenting in the package, but I figured if there were 
> any discrepancies I can always clean them up later before 
> commit. =) 

Actually we prefer NOT to do that. The best thing to do is stick
rigidly to the style already set in the particular source file you're
working with.

If the file is *really* badly styled then restyle it (with the
standard emacs commands is ok) and submit it as a fix on it's own
(with no other changes).

Then you can make your real changes against the re-styled version.

This helps when doing diffs. If real changes are mixed with style
changes it can be impossible to see what actually changed.

> Is this written up anywhere? 
> The only thing I could find was 
>    http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/doc/hacking.html#SEC6 

They're on the acrchive of the java mailing list which the GNU java
project maintainers are all subscribed to. I will get it merged with
the main doc as soon as I have time.

> I've got a GPL Java Grammar at  
>     http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~appel/modern/java/CUP/ 
> which *might* be useful if you decide to write a java program. 
> Pretty-printers don't *need* a full-fledged grammar, but it helps. =) 
> You can use just the lexer if that's easier. 

You could write the pp if you like /8->

I'll take a look at your grammar, thanks.


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