Just a note that I have looked into where to get various things in 1.4
we don't yet have and shouldn't have to produce ourselves.  These are
some of the big gaping holes you see in japicompat reports.

javax.sound - http://tritonus.org/
org.ietf.jgss - http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2853.txt
org.omg - http://www.omg.org/
org.w3c.dom - http://www.w3.org/DOM/
org.xml.sax - http://sax.sourceforge.net/

I'd very much like to treat these as 3rd party libraries/sources.  If
the license is not free software we may be forced to simply point
people at the authoritative source instead of providing it ourselves.

I expect us to use Xerces as does Sun for an XML parser (unless there
is something better with a suitable license).  The Apache license
should not hinder this despite the advertising clause.

javax.sound - Gnu LGPL, perhaps better to write these interfaces
ourselves but point to tritonus for the native pieces

org.omg - omg will discuss in meeting soon; from their point of view
the purpose of the standard and producing the .java source for it was
to insure compliance with the standard, but the fsf requires
modification privileges (even though it would be stupid to change the
source other than to add javadoc).

org.ietf.jgss - Someone read the RFC and generate the .java files. I
couldn't find them already generated anywhere from the IETF.

org.w3c - Good code and javadoc abounds!  But what about the license?

org.xml.sax - Public domain folks.  Import away.


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