On 19 Aug 2003 15:32:55 +0100
Nic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Arnaud Vandyck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I've just finished some commits (less than 10) to make gnujaxp compliant
> > with jaxp1.1 public API. 
> > 
> > We still need to  fix the build system (see [1]) and  that's all for the
> > minor changes. 
> > 
> > The major improvment would be to have an transform implementation.
> Err.. what about our libxslt thing? It's in the classpathx repository.

It's not full java :( but well,  if it runs well, no problem. I think we
have to integrate the full jaxp API (so WITH transformations).

> What I had planned to do was make a libxml2 jaxp provider for SAX and
> DOM. They would fit in very nicely with a libxslt based TRAX.

Do I understand  that Aelfred and gnu.xml.dom will be  out? And you plan
to make bindings with libxml2? 

Well, I'd  like to have come  comments about that (if  I understood this

> I will get round to the build setup soon. Are you available to test
> builds?

Maybe next week. List or private, no problem.

-- Arnaud Vandyck, STE fi, ULg
   Formateur Cellule Programmation.

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