>>>>> "Etienne" == Etienne Gagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Etienne> Jalopy seems to fill the needs, on the technical side.  We could take
Etienne> the latest Free snapshot available before it becomes proprietary to
Etienne> indent the code.

Actually, there are a few problems with it.  We'd like a blank line
before `package' (we can't use header insertion due to copyright
years), and jalopy doesn't support that.  Also I think it doesn't
handle indentation of method bodies the way we would like.  Or was it
`if' statement bodies?  I submitted a couple jalopy bug reports a few
months ago...

Of course we could just hack these features and have a "classpath
only" fork of jalopy.

I've attached the "GNU.jalopy" config file I made, way back.  It
should come pretty close to our style.  But not close enough to use


Attachment: GNU.jalopy
Description: GNU.jalopy

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