
On Sun, 2003-09-28 at 21:41, Guilhem Lavaux wrote:
> I know that I don't write that much ChangeLog ... but could someone can 
> have a look at 
> http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?func=detailbug&bug_id=4968&group_id=85 and 
> tell me if it sees something against comitting it in the repository. I 
> would like to speed up the process of merging between Kaffe's and 
> Classpath's CVS.

Sorry Guilhem. I looked at this, but since I didn't have enough time to
really evaluate it (java.text is not my field of expertise I am afraid)
I didn't commit it right away. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong
with it from a quick look though. So if someone does have time to read
over it and create a real ChangeLog entry, please check this in.



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