
On Sun, 2003-11-30 at 20:05, Dalibor Topic wrote:
> Speaking of our own tracks, do we have an update on the idea of someone 
> from GUUG's of doing a free software java conference, that popped up 
> after there were several free java related abstract proposals at Linux 
> Kongress?

Not that I know. Patrik, Sascha and I did discuss the idea with one of
the Linux-Kongress organizers. We promised to email a couple of ideas
for this around (for example, put all the ideas from the abstracts that
we rejected for Linux-Kongress proper together) but we did not really
follow up on that. Sorry.

> > In the meantime, is there anything planned for FOSDEM?  E.g., an open-source 
> > Java track? This could be an opportunity the thesis that the future of Java 
> > lies with us, not with S*n.
> Tromey is doing a talk on gcj. There is an embedded development track 
> [1], that might be a good traget to place accompanying talks about Wonka 
> & other free VMs targetting embedded systems. I haven't been able to 
> figure out how to get a BOF session registered.
> [...]
> [1] http://www.fosdem.org/2004/index/dev_room_embedded

The page itself says that it is for 27-10-2003 so I don't know if that
is current.

last week I did email [EMAIL PROTECTED] as the contact page says, to see
if we could get a developer room, but I didn't hear back from them yet.
But if Chris knows one of the organizers that might be a better way to
contact them.

How many people want to attend (Brussels, Belgium, the weekend of 21-22
February 2004)? If I followed the messages and irc discussions correctly
then Arnaud, Chris, Tom, Dalibor, Stephane, Michael and myself will be
there at least.



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