
let me add my 0.02 cents (of euro). :-)

GC Interface:

let's divide the GCs in 2x2 categories:

* (TA) type-accurate: know where the pointers inside the objects are
* (CO) conservative: guess where the pointers inside the objects are


* (NC) non-concurrent: the GC is the only thread running during the collection
* (CI) concurrent / incremental: the GC and the mutator run (pseudo-)concurrently

These categories affect the interface between compiler, generated code, and the gc itself.

Static information (TA vs. CO):
* All GCs need a hook into the memory management to return the blocks to the free-list.
* All GCs need to access the whole heap
* TA GCs need a root-set from which the collection starts: the list of all static fields, all pointers on the stack of each thread, all pointers in the CPU registers (and those in the stack when the thread is preemted) [The registers depend in fact on the compiler optimizations: if some value may live longer in a register than in a variable then yes, otherwise if the compiler ensures that all pointers in the registers are also anchored somewhere in a variable, then no]
The list of static fields can be obtained through reflection; pointers on the stack are more complicated to get.
* TA GCs need a type descriptor containing the pointer offsets inside each type; arrays of references are also to be collected

Code Instrumentation (NC vs. CI):
* NC GCs do not need code instrumentation
* some CI GCs define code points where the GC can run
* some CI use read barriers (each pointer read operation is instrumented)
* some CI use write barriers (each pointer store operation is instrumented)
* some GCs use master-lists (each pointer points to the real pointer which is present only once, thus moving an object correspond to moving a master-pointer instead of each reference)

Example: Jaos + Aos Kernel
The Aos kernel provides memory allocation with a mark & sweep GC; the mark operation is implemented using the pointer rotation algorithm (Deutsch Waite Schorre). This is a "stop the world" non-concurrent GC (even in the multiprocessor version of the kernel).
The GC information is provided by the Jaos classloader (because it performs the field allocation during the load); each class has a module (a runtime compilation-unit) with the code, statics and a list of static pointers, and a type descriptor containing the pointer offsets, the method table, and the type hierarchy (those are then patched by the linker). The stack traversal is conservative.

A few pointers:
* http://www.memorymanagement.org
* Paul Wilson; Uniprocessor Garbage Collection Techniques; Proceedings of the Memory Management, International Workshop, Saint Malo, France, Sep 1992 (postscript 764KB; ftp://ftp.cs.utexas.edu/pub/garbage/bigsurv.ps)
* Garbage Collection in Oberon: http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/gc/
* Garbage Collection in .NET: (part 1) <http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/1100/GCI/GCI.asp> and (part 2) <http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/nettop.asp?page=/msdnmag/issues/1200/GCI
* Slides from lecture "System Software" on Garbage Collection: http://www.cs.inf.ethz.ch/37-201/slides/ssw03_memorymanagement_2.pdf

I hope this clarifies more than it confuses....


--On Samstag, 10. Januar 2004 11:29 +0100 Chris Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Friday 09 January 2004 09:45, Sascha Brawer wrote:
Tom Tromey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 8 Jan 2004 17:48:59 -0700:
> [standard pluggable JIT interface]

This would indeed be quite nice, IMHO.

IMHO2 (that should probably be 3 or 4 by now).

I suspect that the interface to GC will be hard to define, though. There
are  several possible models, including:
  1. The mutator (JITted code) tells GC, "hey! I just mutated
something!",  whereupon GC either (a) aborts the current attempt to mark
the heap or (b)  makes a note to re-mark the affected objects before
doing a sweep.   2. No one is allowed to mutate anything during the
marking process, so a  protocol is devised which ensures this without

And that's only counting mark-and-sweep collectors ...

> Language choice for API.
>  The obvious choices being:
>  C     lowest common denominator
>  C++   next-to-lowest common denominator :-)  provides some
>        abstraction benefit, maybe
>  Java  using our own tools...

There are some users of Classpath who cannot execute any C code, such as
Jaos and JNodeOS. If the pluggable JIT interface was in Java, these
systems would be able to use it (assuming that someone writes a JITter in
Java, like IBM did with their Jalapeņo/Jikes RVM).

Also, I'd assume that the interface would be rather narrow in the sense
that it wouldn't get invoked very often in the direction VM --> JIT;
probably once for each class or method to be compiled. But the JIT would
presumably have to call a lot into the VM (for retrieving field offsets

> ABI Issues

According to IBM's publications and web pages, Jikes RVM seems to nicely
cope with different ABIs (such as the slightly different calling
conventions for AIX and MacOS X). Maybe, their code could serve as an
example for how to structure the JIT interface so it can cope with
different ABIs.

Jaos works on top of an abstraction called "object kernel", which
basically is an API to garbage collection, synchronization, etc. Patrik
Reali might be able to tell the list more about this.

> General API
> - Verifier interface?
>  Does the verifier do all checking or does it impose some
>  requirements on the JIT/interpreter?  (Some verifiers choose to
>  delay some checking until interpretation.)
>  Does the JIT want/need information already computed by the verifier?
>  For instance basic blocks or the type map at a given statement.

I think it would be very wasteful to compute this information twice, but
it might be very difficult to define common data structures that are
suitable for everyone. Might it be sufficient if a verifier could store
some opaque reference for later use by the JIT?

AegisVM writes that they have developed a modular bytecode verification
architecture, but I didn't look at this yet.

Another thing that might be interesting to share is parts of a compiler
backend, such as assemblers.

-- Sascha

Sascha Brawer, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.dandelis.ch/people/brawer/

_______________________________________________ Classpath mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/classpath

-- Chris Gray /k/ Embedded Java Solutions Embedded & Mobile Java, OSGi http://www.kiffer.be/k/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] +32 477 599 703

_______________________________________________ Classpath mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/classpath

-------------------------------- Patrik Reali http://www.reali.ch/~patrik/ http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/jaos/ http://www.classpath.org/ http://iiop-net.sourceforge.net/

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