Dalibor Topic wrote:
Tom Tromey wrote:

"Matthias" == Matthias Pfisterer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Matthias> Building with kjc, I get the following errors:
Matthias> ../java/beans/PropertyChangeSupport.java:1: error:Unaccessible class
Matthias> "java/util/Map/Entry" can not be imported [JLS 7.5.1]

If it isn't fixable in the compiler we can add a workaround.  We
already work around some gcj bugs.  Workarounds need a comment
explaining what compiler and version they are for, though.  And of
course we'd prefer a compiler fix...

The weird thing is that I use the unmodified source from GNU Classpath in kaffe's CVS and it builds without a hitch there. So I'd be against adding a 'public' to it. And our java/beans/PropertyChangeSupport.java is the same as in classpath, as well. Weird.

I can only guess that the set of files being built together in classpath's build process is somewhat different from the set of files being build together in kaffe's build process, and that somehow triggers the problem.

I've localized the problem and filed a bug against kjc (on the kopi developers m-l). The error only occurs if the not-explicit-public-inner-interface is compiled together with a file importing it in one step.


Matthias Pfisterer      <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reuchlinstrasse 28      phone ++49-711-62 87 12
D-70176 Stuttgart       (in Deutschland 0711-62 87 12)

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